This complete set of Honey Blood Manga Volume 0-2 is a must-have for fans of the modern age of manga. The softcover graphic novels are in black and white, with a thrilling mix of action, adventure, anime, romance, and manga genres. The story follows a young girl named Raylan who is a vampire hunter, and her struggle to control her growing bloodlust while facing a deadly enemy.
The manga is published by Tokyopop and Viz Media, and is available in English language only. This item is a comic book lot, and is not signed or personalized. It is perfect for collectors or fans of the series title, and is set in the United States during the modern age era.This product is in Very Good condition.
The manga is published by Tokyopop and Viz Media, and is available in English language only. This item is a comic book lot, and is not signed or personalized. It is perfect for collectors or fans of the series title, and is set in the United States during the modern age era.This product is in Very Good condition.